Thursday, March 12, 2009


Today was a bit mundane. I slept long because I was out at Godfrey's all night getting hit on by lesbians. Which is whatever but the bartender was making my cranberry vodkas sooo damn strong. After a while I just left without saying goodbye to anyone because I was way too drunk. I hate that. It's so funny how when we're in high school people wanna just get wasted then once you are of age and finally start drinking because you actually like the taste of the drinks, you really try to avoid that wasted feeling. bleh.

I miss Philly. My sister took me to eat at PF Chang's Tuesday night and I got two Asian Pear Mojitos. They are soo good. She also introduced me to everyone she worked with yesterday before I caught the train back. They all raved about how I have such a smart, hard working, nice sister. And I was like I sure as hell do. My family is amazing. I'm so proud to belong to it. Anyway her boss printed out a job description that they haven't published to the web yet and told me to apply because they take forever to hire. It was for PR but it said 3 years experience and she knows I'm just about to graduate and won't have that but I'll still try. They start paying 47,000. If I can make that much right our of college then I'll be doing REAL good lol.

anyway back to today....I went in Saxby's, my old job, to get a smoothie with Cameron and the owner's very handsome, business owning, son came in and was happy to see me. We chatted and he told me when I graduate give him a call because his business is looking for PR people if I'm interested. I'm like well I sure will haha. I hope he doesn't forget he told me that.

So after we left there we were walking to the Village and on the way we passed Rumors where I saw the cutest dress on a mannequinn outsi
de. It was only 12 bucks so I had the owner bring it in and I tried it on and bought it. I really should not be buying clothes right now but 12 bucks is a steal! I'm so glad they started doing the second hand stuff there because their clothes were hardly affordable before. I made two awesome second hand purchases from them and they buy clothes too now so I'm going to just keep doing the exchange thing where I will bring in some shit to sell then buy new shit with the money. That should keep me stylish in this horrible economy. In the meantime I really need a job.

anyway after the Village I walked over to Puno's because David was there with crazy Coco and I wanted to see him and play with the dog. Ugh I should've known better. First of all when I got there he was fuckin HIGH and I was so irritated. Then I was asking him why he has been av
oiding coming over and he said, "I don't know. That is what I'm trying to figure out." WTF? I was like well "maybe you just don't like me." And he didn't say anything he just started kissing me. I'm so confused so I left then on the way to dance practice I texted him and said "I wish you would just tell me what you're thinking instead of letting me waste my time. You know if you don't feel anything. I'm not gonna be mad just confess." And he has not even replied. I'm so over this bull. I don't know why I keep trying to draw it out. But I just like when he spends the night. It's comfortable because he knows me so well. grrr. I am pissing myself off. Boys are nothing but trouble.

So tomorrow night is our next Lyric Ave performance. We made up the best ending to our opening dance tonight. It's too funny. We get old school in the end and me & Sarah do the running man.'s pretty sweet. I'm takin it easy tonight so I can be well rested tomorrow because after the show I'm going out so I can wear this
damn dress. I need some stockings tho because it's gonna be cooold. NY Deli!!!! mmkay. fim.

**This is a picture of me in my new dress lol. I know it's kind of a lame pic but I don't care. ;-)**


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