Friday, March 27, 2009


Hmmm... there are so many things to be said about sex. The single most powerful thing that we as human beings have. It's complicated, but everyone knows what I mean. Sex drives people to do all kinds of shit. Alot of stupid shit. And if you're a woman you can get a lot of shit out of it. "Good" shit like money, clothes, your way (when it comes to persuading a man to do what you want), a job, hell some even get a career and lavish lifestyle out of it... And then there is the bad shit a reputation for being a whore or an std...or even multiple stds.

One other important thing that can come from sex is a child, which depending on your situation can be either good or bad.

Either way sex is such a fascinating part of life. There are so many different facets.

I for one am tired of sex.

I am a fan of making love. When you first have sex it's all about exploration. Well for those of us who are unfortunate enough to not know what relationships are. You just want to know what sex is like. So you do it. And if you like it, you do it again. and again. and again. Casual sex is fine if the people engaging in it are cool with it. no doubt. But what would it be like to actually make love for once? How wonderful would it feel to hold someone in your arms who you absolutely adore and just share a passionate, fiery, love infused night with them? I wouldn't know. I've never done it.

Well I've come close but then I realized it was all part of disillusionment.

Sometimes I find men disgusting and pathetic because of everything they go through to get sex. They actually PAY for it. Some of them do. It's really funny and disturbing when you think about it. But I guess it works for us women though. May we never go hungry....

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