Sunday, September 19, 2010

hum drum

I hate when too much time elapses between my posts because I don't like recapping events when they're no longer fresh in my mind. Seeing as how I have practically no followers, however, skipping the recap shouldn't be too much of a problem. So this is where I'm at: Still workin at the student loan place. Decent pay, easy enough job, but not fulfilling in the sense of the word that a 23 year old college graduate needs. I have a Bachelors of Science in Mass Communications. I got my own student loans to pay. Needess to say, I'm back on the job search. Since my last post I've had 2 phone interviews which resulted in no jobs, nor any courtesy rejection emails. The job market is still rough and tough. But now I do have a good idea of what I need to do. I gotta bust my ass to get an assistant/nternship position with a PR firm in NYC. Id take one in Philly too or ne of the major cities on either coast actually but NYC is at the tippy top of my list. I figure a year or two shining shoes, so to speak, will be enough to prove myself in the ball busting world of PR. And after that I cantake over the world and become an NBA dancer.