Saturday, June 6, 2009

money on my mind....

I don't know how much longer I can put off work. Not that I'm purposely putting it off but I need to get on the grind and kick this job search into the highest gear. I have like $7 in my account right now, no lie. Now that the $860.00 for rent is taken care of I'm at least glad I don't have to worry about it, but I am running out of food and patience.

Tomorrow night Rick is making me filet mignon with bleu cheese crumbles on top. I have never looked forward to a meal so much in my life, lol. He also bought me a few groceries so that's good.

Today, I went to the library and looked through a grant book and found some
potential organizations that will help with my last little bit of school I need to finish and also pay me. I'm looking into AmeriCorps jobs right now. I also am looking into getting an individual grant to possibly start a non-profit organization in the future. Since I am going to seek employment with the non-profit sector after I get my Bachelors with public relations concentration, I figure I might as well try to just start my own organization. I do know it would require an incredible amount of time and research but I think once I get to Mozambique and have my dad's business/entrepreneurial skills to reference, I can really come up with something amazing. We shall see. My mind is always going in too many directions for me to focus on one thing long enough to see it through, so I need to learn how to go one step at a time. Anyway though, I did get the idea to try to write a grant proposal for my dance group so we can hire this choreographer we want for the summer and hopefully travel or so something that will give us more exposure and therefore jobs. My mind is on the money right now. Which is a place I HATE for it to be, but a girl has GOT to eat. /live/dance/go out/pay tithes///////

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