Wednesday, January 28, 2009


This is a blog I wrote exactly a year ago today. I was reading it last night, and alot of it I still agree with. But I'm being lazy today so I'm just re-posting it onto this blog. ..

Another year. Another enemy.
It's interesting how we truly are our own worst enemies sometimes. We hold ourselves back by self doubt, self pity, self destruction, self hatred. We forget who we are & why we are. We go by what others think & not by what we know and let it control our most important decisions. We could do anything we want if we could just overcome the obstacle that is ourselves. Nelson Mandela was frighteningly accurate when he said , "Our greatest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our greatest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure." So why do we ,when we know we are meant to do one thing, avoid doing it at all costs. Because of our fear of failure? I know I'm not the only one with this problem. I've never failed miserably at anything so why should I start with the one thing I want the most? Or possibly I am afraid of succeeding at the one thing I want the most...what's left to hope for after that? What do you do when you've accomplished all you set out to? Every flower that blossoms must one day wilt. The petals fall and the stem is again naked before it too dies. Wouldn't we rather spend most of our lives working up to that one dream so that there is not too much time between accomplishment and death. It is that time in between when things start to fall. Maybe we fabricate self doubt, self pity, and self hatred so we have excuses not to go for our dreams full force. Some are lucky enough to not get blindsighted by other things. They see what they want. They go for it. Easy as that. But I believe they are outnumbered by those who think too much about it. Which one am I? Which are you? Which is easier? Are they both equally as hard but one comes with a greater price and the other a greater prize? This year I will focus on getting what I want. Not even because I want it that badly, but because I need it for reasons I myself will never even understand. And that's how you can truly tell if something is really meant for you.

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