Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Wait til you see my smile...

After months of endlessly searching craigslist, newspapers, job fairs, and emailing my resume to everyone and their mom… I finally, finally, FINALLY have a job! A full time, REAL life job.

I’m now officially a Clerical Wage in the Graduate Professional Department of PHEAA. It’s the nation’s largest non-profit student aid organization and the building is pretty sweet. I mean it has cafes and a 24 hour gym & wellness center, free parking, and I get to wear a bomb ass nametag with my picture on it, lol. WORD, right?
My position qualifies for overtime and is union eligible so I’ll be a member of AFSCME, which is my mom’s union so I’ve done temp jobs for them my whole life basically. I can also get self paid benefits, which I may or may not sign up for, but the point is for the first time in a LONG time I’ll have money deposited in my account twice a month that I actually WORKED for. It’s not my dream PR job but it’s hard enough to find anything in this economy so I’m feelin’ super blessed right now for real. Now I can get back into selling Avon too cuz I’ll actually have the money to get my starter kit and buy the products to wear as an “advertisement” to my clientele. I also can pay for my certification to teach Zumba class at the Downtown Y or somewhere. I also really want to help my mom pay some bills and buy her a flat screen TV but then I’m getting the hell up outta here. Living at home will help me save money for a while and I have just hit the 6 month mark, but I really need my own place. I value my alone time way too much and even though once I start working 12-9 everyday me and my mom’s paths will hardly cross, I still want to be in my own space. It may sound strange but I love coming home to an EMPTY house. That’s what I’m used to and of all the things I had to give up after graduating college, my own apartment was the absolute hardest to let go of. Either way, I’m just so happy right now.

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